donderdag 29 augustus 2019

To be a student today.

The high schools are started again with their rituals.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. The fella in front waving does not look like a high school student but it looks like they are having fun. Enjoy your day.

  2. A merry group cavorting in public. Always action on your streets.

  3. School goes back here after Labour Day next week. And the universities will be having their orientation week for first year students too.

  4. That's a happy bunch of people. Our schools are back in action this week too.

  5. It is the same here at this time of year! Young people full of excitement!

  6. They certainly get out and enjoy themselves more than I ever remember doing s.c. 😊


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.