woensdag 14 augustus 2019

The signs are shooting out of the ground like mushrooms.

Yeah, that little idea of stenciling them on the ground is growing like cabbage. Must say that the carved text in the streets of Pompei referring to a brothel have a longer life than this version. One for Signs2 here.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Recycling is a never ending battle. I have a very similar posting on my today,

  2. I agree s.c. I've seen those signs on the streets of Pompeii 😉

  3. I haven't seen a lot of signs on the streets here. A good message on this one.

  4. Recycling is critical for our world, but I am not sure about stenciled signs on that pretty brick work.

  5. A heavy fine for littering. Great sign SC

  6. This idea hasn't taken off around here. I'm not sure I like it.

  7. We see a little bit of that stenciling signs around here, but it's very transitory.

  8. I wonder if they will survive a winter.

  9. ...a good sign of the times, Thanks sc for sharing, I hope to see you again.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.