woensdag 21 augustus 2019

Highlight of the tourist season

If even the french fries bags are provided with delft blue and are eaten by Chinese tourists well then you know it. One for Signs,Signs hosted by Tom The Backroads Traveller here.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. I love the Delft Blue French fry containers s.c. so chic oui 😊

  2. French fries in delft containers, very funny.

  3. Always good to take a break when touring. French fries sound good. And, you are right about not wanting that wolf on your tail. Those pilots are highly skilled. May they never fly in anger.

  4. Pigeons enjoy french fries too and they don't need a delft container. :)

  5. ...I just learned about Flemish fries, it seems like fries are popular around the world. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Honolulu too is tourist sister city to Amsterdam


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