dinsdag 23 juli 2019

Too hot

With temperatures reaching the 40° C (104° f) I am longing to earlier times when we had still some rain. One for Our World Tuesday here.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Where I am now it's cooled off a bit, but higher temperatures are due by week's end.

  2. That is way too hot, stay cool like it is in your photo.

  3. Wow - that is amazing! I hope that you have air conditioning!

  4. I hope cooler weather returns soon for you. The heat can really sap your energy.

  5. Hope you have cooler weather on the way. Great reflections on those wet streets.

  6. :-), I am good with 40°C and sun.

  7. Hope it's cooled off for you! I live in a hot climate, but by and large we are geared up for it, in Europe it's a shock isn't it?! I couldn't do it without aircon!
    Wren x


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