zaterdag 1 juni 2019


Looks like the centre of town is completely overrun by english speaking shops with related jokes.
One for Weekend Reflections here.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. A good attention-getter. People were watching you take your pic!

  2. Holy cow!
    Thanks for making me laugh.

  3. I guess they're hoping the name will attract peope in to their shop.

  4. I found the shop on internet! Ha! They say : 'Not everyone has what it takes to be pigheaded and wear Hol*Sh!t sandals with pride. Other people may react differently or may be confused. They may laugh or even worse, make fun of you. But remember one thing... They are just envious of you going your own way. Anyway, this is just a warning. Therefore, ask yourself one question before ordering a pair of Hol* Sh!t sandals... “Am I sure?”. If so, order them right away. If not, take our short quiz to find out if you have what it takes.'
    I will order a pair of 'almost black' ha!
    Have a nice refletion weekend!:)
    My best regards from Romania....

  5. With a name like that they'd better be comfortable. :-)

  6. The shoes are pretty cute. I'd go in.


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