dinsdag 14 mei 2019

River route

The routemaster of yesterdays post went along the river the Gaasp and the Gein.
That all under the smoke of Amsterdam and I must admit that I have never been there before and  looking back, that's a real loss. So authentic and calm that we have to go back to admire it more and preferable on a bike. One for Our World Tuesday here.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. The housing is so quaint. Yes... revisiting on a bike is the best way to take everything in.

  2. It looks beautiful. Worth taking a bike ride out there.

  3. Wonderful views of the river, I like the windmill and home. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  4. That looks like a fine area for a bike ride!

  5. Simply magnificent! Dreamy area near the water front.

  6. Fine scenes along the river. Yesterday I saw a program about a neighborhood in Amsterdam made from old river boats that has a water recycling program.

  7. Nice views from the river are very picturesque.

  8. Beautiful views on the move s.c. but definitely more details on your bike ✨


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.