zaterdag 21 juli 2018


One for Weekend Reflections here.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Vast geen recente foto gezien de trui, sjaal en jas die deze meneer aan heeft.
    Hopelijk was het wel lekker wat hij aan het eten was, hij kijkt een beetje moeilijk ;)

  2. I had to look for a few seconds before I saw the 'closed' sign. What about the guy with the snow cone? He doesn't look like the type to eat xnowcones.

  3. With your heat, this must be a months-old shot.

  4. With the temps being high, this is cool. :) Nice reflection s.c.

  5. So good s.c. love the reflection, you sure are quick with the click!


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.