maandag 19 juni 2017

Gouda station

Gouda was not only famous for its cheese but in the 16th and 17th century also for its clay pipes called "Gouwenaars" (sorry only in dutch). You still find uncountable pipe heads with broken stems in the ground on building sites and in the waterways of our country because they broke very easily and were cheap to replace. They are still making them today. One for Monday Murals here.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. interesting bit of history!

  2. ha, didn't know about pipe 'industry' in Gouda. one learns every day.

  3. Ik ken iemand die regelmatig pijpenkopjes zoekt en ze dus ook spaart. Interessant stukje geschiedenis.

  4. i've only heard of the cheese, which i love!

  5. I wouldn't have known that! Neat looking tile work.

  6. I like your composition and how you bought the colours below the tiles!

  7. Interesting piece of history. I love the cheese but never knew about the pipe. Thanks for sharing S.C.

  8. The guy looks kind of creepy. Interesting story though!

  9. There is a mixture of pleasure and malevolence in that face.

  10. A company that manufacture both cheese and pipes, that's diversification!


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