donderdag 16 januari 2014

Quick city life

Sometimes life in the city is to quick to grab it.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Excellent way to express life in the fast lane. S.C. you are think outside the box.

  2. j'aime beaucoup le flou, l'empressement!
    Très joli post!
    Un bonjour de France.
    Bonne journée- Cath.

  3. Blurred images underscore the quick and rapid pace of the pedestrians.

  4. I like the blur and great feeling of motion you captured.

  5. No doubt people are running to stay warm. haha.

  6. I can almost feel the sense of movement!


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.