vrijdag 31 januari 2014

Outback trip.

The outback in Astralia when we were on holiday there in 2004 . This is the road we took from Darwin in the North to Adelaide in the South. A dusty and hot trip. 
One for friday skywatch here.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Except for the road and the fence, this could be the surface of the moon.

  2. A very scenic shot. I'd love to see it myself one day.

  3. Breathtaking image! Makes a person feel hot and can almost taste the dust in my mouth. Good place to feature in a movie. Isolation factor is prominent.
    JM Illinois

  4. I've always wanted to go there. Did not know that you two did back then. I hope you dust off more photos from the outback and show them once again. Good show mate.

  5. Een belevenis lijkt mij. Mooie foto.

  6. Great capture of a hot dusty place!

  7. Looks like you're in the middle of nowhere! What a perfectly flat horizon...

  8. That would be a long, hot desolate trip - one I've never travelled. Cairns through to Melbourne and Adelaide I have seen.

  9. This could be a photo from western South Dakota which is perhaps not quite as dry as Australia, but looks much the same in late July and August.

  10. Great image. We were in Australia once, 21 years ago. Visited Alice and Uluru but sure didn't drive across the whole center. Brave adventure.

  11. oooh. reminds me of the us.
    i never visited australia...


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