dinsdag 27 augustus 2013

How to control your kids.

After hours of waiting to sing these schoolkids are going a little impatient in Almere.
One for Ruby tuesday too here.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. In a sea of red, kids will be kids.

  2. Red's a great colour for passion. And I see a little passion emerging.

  3. I love the rather bemused looks on their adult chaperones' faces. :-)

  4. They need t-shirts of more calming colors.

  5. How did our parents do with us ? Everybody was once a kid. Lots of adults have forgotten that they had been kids too :) !

  6. Yep, just have to accept that a group of kids waiting with nothing to do will find 'something to do." Great image to keep in my head as I go back to school this week :-)

  7. I can hear their shouting. Perfect photo to Rubby Tuesday!


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.