maandag 20 mei 2013

A lot of effort.

The maker of this mural made it himself very difficult to get it on place.
One for monday murals here and monday mellow yellows here.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. An interesting mural! Someone must have really been keen to do that in such an awkward place!

  2. The artist went to a lot trouble to make his (her) mark.

  3. Looks like he was doing quite well until he slipped at the right falling into the water leaving a paint splatter behind.

  4. Hmm... interesting subject. Not sure I "get it". :)

  5. I'm thinking he had to be on the water to put something on this wall. Probably in a hurry too since the skull is incomplete. Kind of scary, but also archaic looking. Thanks, sc, for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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