woensdag 10 april 2013

Museum visit

What I so like in museum visits is that you not only see beautiful things , like here this oil painting from Arkadij Aleksandorvitsj Plastov refreshment on a warm day from 1961.

But it forms also a perfect background for shots of the public as here in Assen during the Soviet Myth exhibition.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. I like the interior shot quite a bit. You can just imagine the expressions on the womens' faces.

    happy Wednesday, SC!

  2. Two fabulous photos -the art is great and the people looking are brilliantly captured.

  3. Love the 'real' colours on the first picture. Love the scene on the second. I was last Sunday at the Uffizi in Florence, beautiful but what a pity that it was not allowed to make photo's.


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