zondag 24 maart 2013

Are you talking to me.

Sitting on wooden fender parts of the blue bridge in amsterdam this nile goose looks fierce in the direction of what he thinks is a threat. These birds, coming from africa, have no intention more to go back to their homelands and are treatening the native goose. As an agressive bird they are not liked by the farmers and the birdwatchers despite their nice outlook.
I dedicate this one to camera-critters here.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Very nice, great colors and sharp focus on the goose and pylons.

  2. This bird is unfamiliar one to me. It looks unfriendly actually.

  3. I would not have known. Are they then fair game?

  4. He does have a mean look in his eyes.

  5. Hoi S and I.
    They are on the moment not fair game as is the case with the most birds in Holland. Only at Schiphol airport a professionel hunter may shoot birds as other means didn't worked .


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.