zaterdag 8 september 2012

Use it again.

It is very common to see this today on some flea-markets. Funny thing is that you can use the old lenses again with the new mirrorless camera's. The most lenses are remarkable good and to have for almost nothing. Oke you have to do sharpness manual but who cares. The only thing I know from experience , don't buy the cheapest adapter to fit them on your mirrorless.
I dedicate this one to weekend reflections here.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm sure there are some good buys here. Unfortunately I rely on auto focus so much.

  2. Ha, we were on the same track this week. I had old cameras yesterday and today you have this lovely heap of oldies but goodies!

  3. Notre société consumériste dans toute sa splendeur et toute sa misère : jetons ces vieilleries pour le tout électronique...

    Mes anciens appareils photos sont au grenier, et je n'ai pas l'intention de m'en débarrasser.

  4. My God, what are we became? Nothing else but consumers.
    Well seen, dear Friend

  5. Such a sad picture, so much wonderful technology rendered obsolete not from malfunctioning but from newer technology. I guess that's life though :-)

  6. It looks like a treasure trove but I usually don't have the patience to sort through these finds.

  7. I'd love an old film camera and lens or two!!!


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.