maandag 2 april 2012

Town planning in the Netherlands

Suburb from Almere the district Overgooi.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Well, at least the architecture is not boring in its uniformity!

  2. This place looks well organized, and each house are gorgeous.

  3. This is the first time I've seen anything quite like this.

  4. Mooie foto, toevallig reed ik er vanmiddag nog langs op weg naar de tuin. Ook even in Overgooi rond gekeken, tsja wat zal ik van die wijk zeggen?
    Ik kwam in de Kemphaan terecht,
    zie mijn blog.
    Groetjes, ook aan Bieb,

  5. oh my goodness.
    yeesh. I feel terrible for kids who grow up here, though it is very open. :-/

  6. hahahahaha. very funny.
    very dutch.


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