zaterdag 21 april 2012

Canal renovation

Here renewing of the quaysides and the piping of the Oudezijds Achterburgwal in Amsterdam . By absence of space it is necessary to cover the water with a path for the more heavy building equipment. A pity that on the left side all trees are gone.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. That reminds me. Construction season will be starting here very soon.

  2. the 4th building from the left edge of the picture is leaning badly. is the foundation settling or is it by design?

  3. Hello John.
    The leaning is by design. The goods where kept in the attic and where pullied up. You still see the beams and hooks for this purpose today at the houses. To make it easier to pull the goods up the houses leaned forwarts.

  4. Working in tight spaces, doing whatever is necessary. So different to most places in our wide open country.


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