dinsdag 6 december 2011

Photobloggers in action.

Here on this photo of polafoto  you see myself and my wife better known as biebkriebels on a photo walk along the river Maas in Rotterdam. It was a little cold and windy so the next day I had the flu and until today had to stay in bed. The picture of saturday was made then. 

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Sending you hugs, SC !

    Have a GREAT week.


  2. I am with Michael, the composition is so interesting and I love a good silhouette! Sorry you got sick as a result. I didn't know your wife was biebkriebels!! Small world.

  3. Ahh! I didn't know you were married to biebkriebels! I love her blog! How fun the two of you have this hobby in common. Hope you're feeling better now!

  4. The silhouettes are beautiful. Such an impressive capture. Too bad you came down with the flu...that is no fun. This is one amazing shot. genie

  5. How I wish my wife would start to hold a camera !!!!

  6. A great silhouette picture. Hope your flu is better.

  7. Interesting photo SC, you both seem very focused on your own photo-taking.

    Hope you make a full recovery soon. All 9 in the household (all but me) are at various stages of a bad cold, thankfully not the flu.

  8. Nog een keer..omdat Eyeliquor follower problemen heeft :(

    Super foto!


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