maandag 14 november 2011


Yesterday I left home at 7 AM to sell some superabundant photographic equipment that I had collected over the years. From my viewpoint behind my selling table I shot this photographer with a nice solution for covers on his leica sun hoods. He was very interested on this measure everything minolta exposure meter. 

Here you see a display of a table from someone and what digital photography means for the old hardware. Just what a fool gives for it.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. An amazing conglomeration of what was some pretty decent equipment back in the day.

  2. I love all the outdated equipment. Long live old cameras!

  3. Great blog, great photos! Thanks for visiting. Ken

  4. A little like old computers, although these are still usable, just outdated.

  5. I love the feel of my old Canon AT-1. Too bad they can't just be converted to digital..Nice picture too, s.c.


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