zaterdag 27 augustus 2011

Weekend Reflections

no comment necessary
for more Weekend Reflections look here

6 opmerkingen:

  1. I have been enjoying a stroll through your blog and therefore also Amsterdam. Thank you!

  2. Wow : that a really great idea, this parallele between MC Escher drow and your own picture... That is a very nice job indeed and the sepia filter add to the meaning of the photo.

  3. This is one of the most clever reflection photos that I've seen in all the 101 weeks of Weekend Reflections. Bravo!

  4. You have a beautiful blog and I am enthralled with this reflection. I have been looking at it all day, off and on. It is intriguing and clever with a twist of mystery.

    The artist's style on the left looks familiar but I cannot place it. Wonderful work you have!


  5. Genie
    For your information. The artist is Escher.
    Thanks for your comment.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.