donderdag 23 augustus 2018

Portrait gallery of the golden age.

I am afraid not much interest for this add between Sexy Amsterdam and the pure lust Erotic Shop in the amsterdam red light district.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Interesting street scene. More bicycles than people, so most people must ride bikes here. Americans are more prudish when it comes to signs like these. Do people regularly fall into the canals? These young men look precarious sitting there.

    1. The exhibition Portrait Gallery of the Golden Age is all about tolerance and entrepreneurial spirit in Amsterdam... Do we need to say more? ;-)

  2. Het is wel een contrast. Kan allemaal in Nederland.

  3. Definitely out of place between those two shops.

  4. Doesn't look like a good location for the ad, people probably don't even notice it.

  5. I was not expecting to see a phallic shape between two sex shops.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.