vrijdag 27 oktober 2017

Skywatch inside.

You can see the sky through the roof of this totally with demolition parts made building for the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. There are no nails, screws or bolts used but mostly quick tensioners and tie wraps. Next week the whole construction will be undone and the parts go back to the people who brought them in. 
The skin is made of recycled plastic from bottles, refrigerators, cars and other stuff first milled and then pressed into tiles. The roof from old disapproved greenhouse roofs. One for Skywatch Friday here.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Vooral dat dak ziet er spectaculair goed uit. Echt iets voor de toekomst.

  2. Unique building. Never seen one like this before. What a great idea to use recycled materials. We all need to use more of them.

  3. I really like those recycled tiles. Is this perhaps what the future looks like with regards to construction materials?

  4. An amazing amount of work but a good demonstration of what can be reused!

  5. That is amazing and very cool. Those recycled tiles look fabulous on the building. Good for others to take notice and see what can be done with recycled materials. Very innovated ideas.


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