dinsdag 3 juni 2014

Lazy sunday 2

Just behind the dike you find a lot of allotments.

Looks like time stood still.

The further you go, the quieter it gets.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. I saw several of these on my trip a couple of weeks ago. Nothing quite like them here in the States, although there are places called "community gardens".

  2. Your photos are showing me parts of your world that I never knew existed. Keep them coming.

  3. "Allotments" I was going to ask if what I was thinking was correct but I see Revrunner verified it for me. The little garden shack looks just like the place where I would hang out for the better part of the day. Sit there reading my book, having a cup of tea and watch my garden grow.

  4. It all looks very tranquil. Definitely a nice place to spend a Sunday afternoon.

  5. "SchrebergÀrten" in Germany, used to see these little curiosities all the time when I lived there for a couple of years, never really understood them - nice, though!


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