woensdag 21 augustus 2013

Steindalsfossen Waterfall

I couldn't resist to post this photo of our trip to Norway. One of the many waterfalls and one where you can walk behind. In the neighbor of the Hardanger fjord 2.5 km from the village of Nordheimsund. In contrary to the Niagara you don't get a wet suit walking there as I now can say after visiting both.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Looks like a great waterfall for a pleasant visit. You photographed it well to capture both the water and the people.

  2. Walkin behind the waterfall looks exciting!!

  3. Does the camera get wet too?

  4. That's a fairly mighty looking waterfall. Can't say I've ever been behind one.

  5. Nice, and there's a waterfall more similar to this one on the way to Niagara near bath NY, that has a long upward trail you can walk, including passages that go behind the falls. I'll see if I have a pic to post ...

  6. It is quite an experience to be behind a waterfalls. Many years ago I was behind Niagara, without a wet suite. I still remember the deafening roar.


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