woensdag 14 december 2011

Christmas in Almere

For 20 years unthinkable in the Netherlands . Now you see it everywhere . People decorating there home on the outside with christmas symbols. Must be the influence from commerce and television on daily life I guess. Still Sinterklaas is also kept in high regard on 5 december and the most expensive presents are given then.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. This is a very common sight in Canada.

  2. Getting very usual in UK too. I love xmas... but this is just getting silly. A tree with lights in the window is enough, surely.

  3. It is unlikely to see much decorations like this in homes in KL ...

  4. Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.

  5. I fear my own country is largely to blame for the excess, there are whole towns and neighborhoods here devoted to these kinds of displays - I agree with bill, it's just too much. Nice picture though, s.c. :-)

  6. this is nothing compared to what we see here. they are really out of their mind.. one house is so bad, it causes traffic jams, because everyone stops to check whether they just went crazy or whether there are really that many lights...


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