zondag 31 juli 2011

work of students of the Rietveld art academy in Amsterdam

Every year the Rietveld Academy helds a exhibition of exam works. I will show you some pieces.

This student from the jewellery department had a nice solution for a fallen coffeecup.

This student had a nice idea to keep the flowers that the parents give to their laureats for the duration of the exhibition in the central staircase .
with this result.

An embroidered scan code on a dish-towel  readable by iphone or whatever scanner. It really works and give you access to a movie of the student on youtube.
An inflatable table with chairs and other stuff

1 opmerking:

  1. Het oortje van het koffie kopje is heel goed, een nieuwe functie om het jurkje ook op te kunnen hangen.

    De theedoek met scan code als link naar meer info is briljant!


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