dinsdag 4 augustus 2020

Seen in Almere

Behind this sign (called dyeing plants field) there are plants that provide colours for dyeing fabrics.
Luckily there are also signs that indicate the colour of each plant. (not here)
In front of it there is a row of poles with the colours that the plants behind them produce but the wool sheaths at the top have lost their colour since the 2 years they've been in wind and weather. One for Our World Tuesday here.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. What a interesting project. It's time to restore the colours on the poles.

  2. The flowers and the fence are bright and beautiful!

  3. Yup I'm with Andy, the poles need refreshed s.c. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Excellent project ๐Ÿ’œ

  4. Wow SC!This is a dream place for me!so nice you do that :)

  5. Interesting project. The flowers are pretty and as the others mentioned, the fence could use a touch up of fresh paint.

  6. Great rainbow of colors in your photos. Interesting these are all natural dyes.

  7. What a great outdoor learning experience this would make for students of all ages.

  8. well this is amazing, as I dabble in eco-dyeing and printing. These colours are wonderful! thank you for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your week, stay safe, and thank you for visiting my blog this week.


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