vrijdag 7 augustus 2015

Pumping or drowning

A head with it lips just above water and a little man on it just looking over the surface. A statue from Henk Hofstra placed in 2010 near the dike at Lelystad. The capital of the newest polder and province in the Netherlands Flevoland. Its indeed necessary to keep our heads above the water and what you must do for it shows the nearby Museum New Land.
This is the billboard for the museum. It says pumping or drowning in dutch and if you look at the sky of the two photo's you must see some similarity. One for skywatch friday here.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. The first photo is stunning and eye catching.

  2. Oops ... how funny statue of a serious matter.

  3. Waar Nederland sterk in is. Treffend kunstwerk!

  4. That first picture tells so many stories! Wonderful.

  5. I love the neat statue, looks like a very dramatic sky. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

  6. Unique statue there. Never seen something like that before.

  7. I thought it was you standing on the white head. I thought I would do the same for a photo op, hehehe... I have never seen that kind of monument before.

  8. Special poignance for the Dutch, I'm sure.

  9. That is so so cool! Loving your header image too :-)

  10. Cool concept, great parallel between your shot and the exhibit poster. The sky, foreboding, is a perfect complement to the sculpture visually and thematically.


Because of some annoying messages I have to check the posts sent to my blog. No anonymous remarks, sorry for that.